30+ Days of Interactive Writing Workshops, exercises, practice and accountability, beginning 19th August 2024.


 Join the Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge, and Take Your Writing Journey to the Next Level!

This online Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge is the perfect way to kickstart, learn, grow and practice creative writing skills this summer. It's designed for aspiring writers of all levels, aged 18+, and is packed with expert tips and techniques, covering various themes, to help you become a more engaging and skilled writer. 

The journey takes you from fun practice to focusing on a piece of writing for submission to a competition of your choice.
Get the tools, resources and support to grow as a writer while establishing a daily writing practice that works for you!

Join us on this fun, affordable, live and interactive online Summer Challenge.
Sign-up before the 15th of August to receive the complete 'Show, Don't Tell For Writers' course, FREE.


I Want to take part in the Ultimate Writing Challenge!

What Makes This Different From Typical Creative Writers Workshops?

Regular Creative Writing Workshops...

  • Can easily cost $10 per day per person
  • You travel and come home and can have easily forgotten what you have learned
  • Involves leaving the house and additional travel time and costs
  • Often cover multiple areas rather than going deep on one subject from different angles and techniques
  • Don't have a supporting community where you get to get involved as much or as little as you want (and the option for additional practice and challenges)









Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge...

  • Costs around $37 for the 33 days ($1.12 per day).
  • Gives you replays and full videos after the challenge, as well as full documentation,  so you can revisit them again and again
  • Includes 9 LIVE, online classes and Q&A sessions from the comfort of your home.
  • Has a private, supportive community (Kajabi) of aspiring writers and includes optional challenges, accountability sessions, collaborative writing sessions and more. Build confidence, connections and collaborations.
  • Has Writing Practice and Exercises every single day, to help hone your skills. Each day builds on the next so that you are strengthening your writing 'muscles' and embedding a daily writing habit.
  • An opportunity to write and learn in a stress free environment
  • Access to Author Interviews on the private podcast
  • A light and interactive approach to keep things playful, fun and rewarding
  • We're going on a step by step journey to create a piece worthy of submission.
  • Know that confidentiality is paramount, creating a safe space to learn and practice your writing skills
  • Exclusive 'end of challenge' celebration party, just because we deserve it!


9 Live Workshops...

and a daily Challenge, designed to be fun, interactive and to help you learn quickly while taking on a variety of skills you can immediately apply. Establish your daily writing habit.

Private Community

An exclusive opportunity to work with other aspiring writers, learn with and from, support and cheer each other, while having the opportunity to hold each other accountable in our online community.


The Summer Camp is more affordable than other similar workshops, and it's packed with value. Plus you get the to keep the full 30 days of content!

What Current 'Challengers' Are Saying...

Danielle Linton-Hatfield


Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge

Sign-up before 15th August to get the 'Show, Don't Tell' for Writers' - course, FREE.
Sign up now and unlock your creative writing skills this summer!

I Want to Join the Challenge!
I Want to Take Part In The Ultimate Writing Challenge!

I'm Going to Throw In Some Bonuses So You Don't Miss a Thing!

Video Tutorials

After the writing camp, you'll have lifetime access to the full videos of the workshops, (without the live Q&A portion) in a separate Course portal - so you can re-watch them at any time.

Creative Writing Tips Bonus

Celebration Party, Awards and more!
Plus Bonus :- Access to Podcast Interviews with published writers + Bonus Video Lessons.

The Details -  What You Need to Know...

Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge

Sign-up before 15th August 2024 to get the 'Show, Don't Tell' for Writers' - course, FREE.
Sign up now and unlock your creative writing skills this summer!

I Want to Join the Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge

Here is The Proposed Session Schedule At a Glance – August 2024

Pre- work: Getting Started and Introduction/Orientation – How the challenge works and setting of goals

Each day...  Course Materials Published in advance.

  • Monday 19th Aug, 8pm (UK) – LIVE! Welcome and Orientation - Getting familiar with the community, the tech and the content
  • Tuesday 20th Aug,Writing Prep - inspiration, goals, writing style, where you do the work? Productivity and Habit Building

PART 1 – Character Development

  • Wednesday 21st Aug., 8pm (UK) - Characters and Dialogue Live -
  • Thursday 22nd Aug. - Creating Strong and Engaging Characters
  • Friday 23rd Aug.,- Character Archetypes
  • Saturday 24th - Crafting Compelling Dialogue, 
  • Sunday 25th - Dialogue Practice
  • Monday 26th Flash Fiction - Write a complete story in 500 words or less
  • Tuesday 2th Aug. 8pm (UK) - Reflection and Revision + Live Q&A

PART 2: Developing Your Writing Skills and Exploring Genres

  • Wednesday 28th Aug., 8pm (UK) - Developing Your Writing Skills and Exploring Genres – Live
  • Thursday 29th Aug. – Understanding Structure
  • Friday 30th Aug., - Playing with Narrative Structure
  • Saturday 31st - Bonus! - Heroes Journey and story structure +
    Creating Vivid Settings
    Sunday 1st Sep. – Science Fiction.
  • Monday 2nd Sep.,- Mystery
  • Tuesday 3rd Sep. - Romance
  • Wednesday 4th Sep., - Genre Blending - Choose 2 genres and blend them into a single story
  • Thursday 5th Sep- Reflection 
  • Friday 6th Sep., 8pm (UK) - Reflection and Revision + Live Q&A

PART  3 – Advanced Techniques and Writing Styles

  • Saturday 7th Sep., 8pm (UK) – Advanced Writing Techniques - Live
  • Sunday 8th Sept– Experimenting with Point of View
  • Monday 9th Sept., – Symbolism and Metaphor Setting 
  • Tuesday 10th Sept. – Free writing and Stream of Consciousness
  • Wednesday 11th Sept., - Show Don’t Tell – The Power of Using 'Show Don't Tell'
  • Thursday 12th Sept. – Voice and atmosphere
  • Friday 13th Sept., 8pm (UK) – Reflection & Technique Integration – Live Q&A 

    Part 4 – Pulling it All Together
  • Saturday 14th Sept., 8pm (UK) – Story Planning + Live
  • Sunday 15th Sept – Writing the beginning
  • Monday 16th Sept, - Writing the Middle
  • Tuesday 17th Sept. - Writing the end
  • Wednesday 18th Sept – Peer Review – Community
  • Thursday 19th Sept – Final Revision
  • Friday 20th Sept Submission of Your Final Revision
  • Saturday 21st Sept, 8pm (UK) – End of Challenge Party!! – Celebrate your writing! - Live

Bonuses –

  • 3x Bonus Sessions (Overcoming Writers Block, Hypnotic Writing and Archetypes)
  • Daily posts and exercises
  • Private Podcast Access
  • Private Community for Challenge Daily Posts

Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge

Sign-up before 15th August to get the 'Show, Don't Tell' for Writers' - course, FREE.
Sign up now and unlock your creative writing skills this summer!

I Want to Join the Challenge